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25 Hilarious Excuses For Not Going To Work!

man running from work to beach

Days off from work are unavoidable for many reasons. For example, illness, crises or responsibilities. Be that as it may, shouldn’t something be said about those workers who simply need a sluggish day in bed or a mental health day?

In this article, we aim to give you some ideas of hilarious excuses for not going to work for the next time you need an excuse in a hurry! However, truth be told, some of these reasons not to go to work may not be believed! But hey, you never know until you try them. Check them out for yourself!

Here are 25 Hilarious excuses for not going to work:

#1. I think I’ve contracted a monkey sickness from my excursion to the zoo!



#3. I got a paper cut!


#5. It’s my puppy’s birthday.


#7. A 12-year-old girl stole my car.


#9.  I won the lottery.


#11. I accidentally flushed my car keys down the toilet.


#13. The main character in my favorite T.V show died, so I need to take bereavement leave.


#15. My uniforms still in the wash, it won’t be dry until tomorrow.


#17. I had a nightmare last night that I was getting fired. So I’m going to sit this one out.


#19. I developed an alternative personality last night, and it said not to go to work.


#21. I ate too many beans last night, and I’m stuck on the toilet.


#23. God spoke to me in my dreams and gave me a sign to take the day off.


#25.  I have an extremely infectious disease that hasn’t been named yet.


What excuses have worked for you?

Don’t forget to share these excuses with your friends for when they need an excuse not to go to work in a hurry!:)

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