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Fun Facts About Animals You May Not Know About

fun facts about animals

Fun Facts About Animals!

We human beings share the planet with several amazing creatures. Still, we rarely know about them. Probably, we are always occupied in our highly occupied technology-rich world. But if you spare a few minutes to know about the living beings present in the arms of mother nature, you will come across several hilarious facts about these weird yet wonderful animals.

This beautiful planet is truly awe-inspiring and mystifying. There are more than 2 million species, and you may find billions of outstanding things to know about them. And many of them are funny and hilarious as well. Have you ever thought that a little cute bunny can have 360 panoramic vision? Did you know that a pigs heart can be used as a transplant for a human heart?  These are just a few fun and amazing animals facts!

Here we have listed for you 12  fun facts about animals that you may not know about:

#1. Pandas do not need any specific sleeping spot for their routines; they just fall asleep anywhere whenever they wish to relax.

#2. Sheep are intuitive animals as they know the techniques for self-medicating. If they have some kind of illness, they will eat a few specific plants that can cure the symptoms.

#3. The hammerhead shark has a vision of 360 degrees! This is helped by the T-bone shaped head and the placement of the eyes which allows each eye to have a slightly different point of view of an object.

#4. There is something interesting to know about penguins! Male penguins are believed to offer a pebble to the females. If she accepts the pebble, they become a match and official partners!…CUTE!


#5. The popular domestic cat has a purr that has a healing frequency, which can help heal them when in need. Cats also only meow to get the attention of humans, and only kittens will meow to get the attention of their feline mother.

#6. When a dog is sad or anxious it will wag it’s tail to the left, but if it’s happy and welcoming the dog will wag it’s tail to the right.

#7. African bush elephants are the largest land animal in the world, weighing around 6000kg! (no wonder they are the only animal who can’t jump!)

#8. Sloths only go to the “toilet” once a week and a female sloth will be pregnant for seven to ten months and will only give birth once in their lifetime. Yipeee!


#9. Pigs hearts can be used for transplanting human hearts!

#10. You will be surprised to know that cows have best friends and in case they are separated, they are likely to feel stressed.

#11. Horses can sleep standing up and lying down. Within hours after their birth, they can also run.


#12. The Australian koala who can be found sleeping in a eucalyptus tree can sleep for up to 19 hours and run as fast as a rabbit!

Thanks for reading our fun facts about animals! Share yours below or share these fun facts with your friends on social media!

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