cartoon couple in bed

We’ve all got an embarrassing sex story to tell. One of those stories that will make you feel like changing your name and moving to another country!

But after some time, chances are you’ll think back on that sexual story and just laugh because that’s all you can do.

The following embarrassing sexual stories may ease your own embarrassment, or it may even make you think twice before getting completely hammered on a date.

Check out these embarrassing sexual stories for yourself!

Below 5 people reveal their embarrassing sexual stories:

#1. Shit Happens

man holding his butt

I had been dating this guy for nearly four months, and things were heading in the right direction but we were still getting to know each other.

During this time, I had been on medication that had made me constipated for a couple of days. On one of these days, we went over to his friend’s house for dinner, and they were making espresso martinis.  It wasn’t until having three of them that I started to feel sick.

I went to lay down in one of the spare rooms while everyone carried on drinking in the kitchen.

I had fallen asleep and later was woken up by my boyfriend kissing my neck. My stomach was still feeling a little strange, and when he went to pull me on top of him I felt something run down the back of my thigh. Immediately I ran to the bathroom and realized it was diarrhea that must have been triggered by the martinis.

I wanted to die and didn’t come out of the bathroom for 30 minutes. Luckily he was drunk and found it funny. But things were never the same and we ended up going our separate ways.:(

Katrina (Australia)

#2. The Manicure and the Comedian

couple in bed

I went on a date with a guy who was a popular comedian at the time. I had been crushing on him for ages and I would always see his shows. We started talking after one of his shows and hit it off straight away. He asked me out on a date the next night.

The next day I was like a giddy school girl, and I went to the salon to get my nails and hair done. The nails were longer than I usually had them, but I loved them!

That night I went on the date, and it was going really well. He was making me laugh, and I could tell he liked me. We got a bit carried away and had a few too many at the comedy bar as he received discounted drinks. He offered to take me back to his house for a drink, and normally I wouldn’t, but I didn’t want the night to end.

Things started heating up on his sofa, and we ended up in his bedroom. I felt confident and carefree around him. Then for whatever reason, I put my finger up his butt. (I had read it gave men pleasure).

Then he suddenly jolted and made a strange groaning sound. I thought he was enjoying it so I put my finger in deeper and he let out a scream, as he pushed me to the other side of the bed.

Then he started yelling at me! Horrified, I quickly left his apartment and as I walked down the street I noticed one of my nails had torn off.

I can laugh about it now, but at the time it was not funny. Still, to this day I can’t go to another comedy show just in case he’s there.

Melaine (UK)

#3. The “Trip” To The Bathroom


sexual stories at nightclub

One time my mates and I ended up going to a house party in Pasadena after taking a tab of acid for the first time.  I wasn’t feeling anything when we arrived, but it started kicking in big-time shortly after.

All of a sudden I had all this energy, and the party was pumped. People were everywhere, the music was loud, and I was tripping balls.

I went for a walk down the hallway and opened a door that lead to a bathroom. One of the hottest girls I had ever seen was putting on some makeup, and I just stood there looking at her.

Then all I remember is us hooking up in the bathroom until one of my mates walked in on us and started laughing.

I didn’t know what he was laughing about until one of my other mates told me later that night I was hooking up with a transgender. It killed my buzz, and I will never take acid again. That story still haunts me.

Rodney (California)

#4. The Carpark Romp

hands on car window

After taking my girlfriend out to a movie, we drove to a deserted carpark late at night and started having sex. No one was around at the time, but the sounds of the car horn must have attracted some unwanted attention.

Next minute the cops were at the window while we were both butt naked. I found it funny, but my girlfriend’s uncle, who was one of the cops didn’t.

Glen (NZ)

#5. The Forgotten Tampon

girl on toilet

My boyfriend at the time and I started having sex in the middle of the night; during sex, I began to feel really uncomfortable, so we stopped. As I woke up, I remembered I didn’t take my tampon out before I went to sleep ( I was on my last day).

I couldn’t find the tampon as it was pushed up way too deep. So I had to ask my boyfriend if he could help me, even though I knew he had a disgusted look on his face.

After about an hour of trying, I had to suck it up and go to A&E to get it taken out. I was mortified! Even though it was five years ago, I still can’t get rid of the memory of my ex searching up my private parts to find a bloody tampon!

Hannah (NZ)

If you’re game enough to tell us your most embarrassing sexual stories, comment down below!